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67. Leadership thinking for small business (part 2)

Leadership for small business is essential but so often forgotten. We scanned some of the theories in the last of these. So what should a small business person do with all this theory? Most importantly, to be aware. Be aware of the need to lead as well as to manage your business; be aware of […]

65. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y for small business

McGregor published his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, back in 1960, and it has been influential ever since. He suggested 2 approaches to management. Theory X managers believe that employees do not like work and have to be managed with carrot and stick to get anything done; Theory Y managers believe that people get […]

30. Peter Drucker in his own words interpreted for small business 2

” The best way to predict the future is to create it”. It sounds like a bit of a tall order for a small business. But small businesses are often the agents for change in a market. Small businesses will find the unregarded niche which larger companies have ignored, and develop it into something significant, or the […]

17. Long Tail example in the Sunday Times

Some years ago I was reading the Sunday Times over the weekend and came across an article which was the perfect example of what I had been writing about the Long Tail, both as a reality and how the idea has become sufficiently established for it to help mould – or at least express – business views. The article […]

16. Long Tail Lessons for Small Business

Summing up all the ideas in ‘The Long Tail’ by Chris Anderson into a series of do’s and don’ts for small business is pretty straightforward as he concludes the book with 9 Long Tail rules for web-based businesses (and some of these rules are also relevant for non-web-based businesses that use the web in some way). But […]

15. The economics of Anderson’s Long Tail for small business

Anderson puts very well, I think, the nature of the Long Tail when he says: “In the tyranny of physical space an audience too thinly spread is the same as no audience at all” and then goes on to show how the web has changed all this. The new economics is that demand keeps on […]

14. Gladwell’s Tipping Point meets Anderson’s Long Tail for small business

Chris Anderson’s ‘Long Tail’ concept works with Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘Tipping Point’ to create results beyond expectation. Down in the Long Tail the niche opportunities exist, and every so often a success emerges – I have mentioned before Heather Gorringe’s WigglyWigglers.co.uk for instance. And here is where the Tipping Point concept comes in. From a remote rural worm-farming business […]

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