01727 837760

…with support from the STANTA team and Aarti’s authentic approach, I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved/created

After attending the STANTA course “Building a Successful Brand” delivered by Aarti Parmar, I knew I wanted to work with her. The Alchemy Academy was still a spark of an idea at that stage, and I felt a brand workshop would give us the firm base we needed on which to build our new workplace wellbeing and performance business.

Through her structured, thought provoking, process steps, we uncovered our brand purpose, vision, values and mission. The workshop also gave us the opportunity to undertake an audience profiling exercise, to better understand our ideal key audience – what’s important to them, why they would want / need our services and to identify our channels to market.

Working with Aarti wouldn’t have been possible without the match-funded grant we received.  The journey wasn’t without some bumps in the road, but with support from the STANTA team and Aarti’s authentic approach, I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved /created.

Zoe Patrick – How Wood

Wellbeing and Performance Coach

CEO / Founder of The Alchemy Academy


Quality Assured Member