01727 837760

Recent Survey Testimonials

“Thanks again for today – yourself and Stanta have given me great confidence in perusing my business and ensuring that I do so properly which is important to me – I’m looking forward to more help and advice from yourselves!  IT/Telecoms

“it made me more confident that my ideas were valid and worth persuing” founder of The Hertfordshire Milk Bank

‘They’ve demystified tax which has made managing expenses and accounting much more straightforward for me!’

‘They gave me the confidence to believe that my business was achievable and that I could do it!’

They helped me be more objective by seeing what I had achieved and what were the limitations of my business model.’

‘I was provided with useful insights into the running of a business that I had not thought about.’

‘The advisor was friendly, knowledgeable and gave lots of practical advice. He also posed questions which helped me reflect on the reasons for running a business.’

“Great to talk to someone with so much experience: it gave me a lot of confidence”
“Made me really understand the benefits of having a business plan”
“Gave me some new ideas that I hadn’t considered”

For full survey results

Quality Assured Member